Deluxe Flo Lifetime Bird Seed Feeder

For the discerning nothing matches the quality of this bird feeder. read more

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    Ref: TW-9594

    With bags more style and panache and elegance than your average feeder, this has 4 feeding perches it is loved by small wild birds such as blue tits, coal tits and finches, who will happily squabble over the perches.

    Clear, perspex feeding tube with high gloss piano black feeding perches, with chunky fittings it will help resist both harsh weather and pesky squirrels teeth.
    Not only stylish and contemporary in style but made to last.

    The base twists off and the perches unclip for easy cleaning.

    Holds 1.6 litres of bird seed, suitable for mixed seeds.

    Easy to fill from the top of the tube.

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