This lettuce has 13 varieties of leaves all mixed together. including:
Lettuce Bionda Ricciolina.
Lettuce Verde Ricciolina.
Lettuce RIccia Invernale.
Lettuce Trionfo d'Estate.
Lettuce Bionda Oak Leaf.
Lettuce Barba di Frate.
Lettuce Rossa di Trento.
Lettuce Quattro Stagioni.
Lettuce Unicum.
Lettuce Batavia a Bordo Rosso.
Lettuce Bionda a Foglia Liscia.
Romaine Lettuce Bionda degli Ortolani.
Lettuce Biscia Rossa.
Sow in succession for a continuous harvest.
It is a pick and come again lettuce and a good variety to add to your salads, as it can be sown up to the end of June and harvested to late October.
Sow thinly directly into warm soil.
Thin out as necessary.