The Red Hot Seed Bar

Grow this scorching assortment of colourful chilli peppers. read more

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    Ref: TW-70381

    It may look like a rather whopping bar of chocolate but this GrowBar is a bar of cleverly curated colourful chilli peppers, to create all kinds of spicy sauces to set your culinary creations ablaze.

    Three annual varieties included are:
    Jalapeño which will produce long, thin very pungent fruits.
    Habanero is a fiery hot chilli with small fruits which will turn a pale orange when ripe.
    Serrano is dark green and will turn red when fully mature.

    Easy to grow from February to May.

    Simply place the Red Hot Seed Bar in the coconut fibre in a container and add water.

    Place on a sunny window sill to germinate. when the seedings have grown 4 leaves, pot on or plant out.
    The seedlings can also be grown in pots or large containers in a greenhouse, on the balcony or a patio.

    Suitable for all gardeners and nature lovers alike. Easy....

    There are lots of other seed bars to choose from:

    The Bee Bar.
    The Tiny Tomato Bar.
    William Morris Flower Seeds.
    The Gin Bar

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