If you've ever put up your own wallpaper, you know that it can be a little tricky.
Fret not because the Mind The Gap non-woven wallpaper collection has been developed to make wallpaper hanging as simple as possible. With each box you will receive 3 rolls labeled A, B and C to help you with arranging your repeat drops, and it is paste-to-wall so you won't need a pasting table.
Here are some tips and tricks to help you to hang your wallpaper successfully.
Tools You Will Need
Tape measure
Sharp cutter
Wallpaper paste (for non-woven wallpaper)
Straight ruler
Paint brush
Bowl of water
Wallpaper ruler
Scissors and string (optional)
Before Hanging Your Wallpaper
Check your pattern repeat by laying out rolls A, B and C, and that you have enough rolls to cover your entire wall before starting the installation. Check that you are using paste for non-woven wallpaper.
Check for colour differences or debris on the wall. If the surface is not smooth enough, prime the wall to get a smooth clean wall before applying the wallpaper.
How To Install Your Wallpaper
1) Check fitting by laying rolls out on the floor. Rolls are ordered A-C
2) Apply enough paste for 2-3 lengths at a time to the wall. Apply with roller
3) Apply first drop to wall. Allow a few extra centimetres of wallpaper at top and bottom
4) Check the wallpaper is straight on wall by hanging scissors on string and hold end of string to edge of wallpaper to check alignment
5) Smooth wallpaper strips from top to bottom and from centre outwards. Use a brush or roller and ensure all air bubbles are removed
6) Remove the excess wallpaper from ceiling and floor using a sharp cutter and ruler
7) Align next sheet with repeat pattern and apply to wall. Wipe away excess paste with a damp cloth
After Hanging Your Wallpaper
Ventilate your room well after applying wallpaper to wall to speed up drying process. Ensure all excess paste is cleaned off top and bottom, and wallpaper.
Keep wallpaper clean by wiping it down with a damp cloth. Wipe in vertical direct and never rub wallpaper.
Do not use adhesive tape on the wallpaper.
Need Help?
Please do not hesitate to contact us by email or on 0345 605 2505 if you have any questions.
We understand that hanging your own wallpaper can be a daunting task, and will try our best to answer any queries you may have about hanging wallpaper. We would strongly recommend getting a professional to put up your wallpaper for you if you feel uncomfortable doing it yourself!